Sunday 26 April 2015


Created on Photoshop.

-Key image of the masked killer is central, holding his weapon of choice which in this case is a knife. The mask is contrasted against a dark background, grabbing more attention. The mask is easily recognisable for the audience from the trailer and website, becoming the key figure as the killer in slasher genre films often does, for example 'Freddy Kreuger' in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' 

-The key hole in which the killer is being seen through links to the scene in the tailer where a long shot shows the girl opening the door after hearing a knock, setting off the string of violent killings. It provides a strong link to whole the whole 'Knock Knock' idea with the use of the killer being on the outside of the door.

-There are strong links to social media, in this case Facebook and Twitter. There is the universal symbols for both in the bottom left hand corner. This provides a global platform for worldwide promotion, as well as allowing the audience to get involved. The creation of the #KnockKnock hashtag again allows the audience to get involved, as well as creating another feature that is directly recognisable to the trailer.

-The same 'scream again' typography is used throughout, linking to the website and the trailer. As opposed to the trailer, it is distorted by blood splatters, which links to the gore and violence of the slasher genre. The typography is also slightly off white in order to blend better with background.

-The tagline 'Who's There?' uses the same typography as seen in the trailer, with sharp, gothic serifs that are typical of the horror genre. It is again distorted with blood smears to link to the gore of the slasher genre and is off white again to blend better with the background colouring.

-The credits are at the bottom in order to keep main focus on the key image of the masked killer. The same typography as tag line is used to stay in-keeping and provide a professional finish. The production company 'New Line Cinema' logo is also featured in the bottom right hand corner in order to give credit to the chosen production company. 'Coming Soon' a common feature within film posters if there is not a specific release date set.

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